How eSign for NGOs Can Help Fastrack Donations & Fundraising

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eSign For Non-Profit Organizations

Non-governmental organizations are mostly compelled to make do with funded resources, which requires them to make their processes as efficient as possible. A lot of routine NGO workflows require the need for signatures from various parties in order to initiate operations and implement processes. Through the use of eSign for NGOs, these organizations can make routine document validation tasks easier.

NGOs contract various documents on a regular basis, including volunteer applications, budget documents, expense reports, compliance forms, sponsorship agreements, membership renewal applications, and more. Using a technology aid to authenticate the many documents, non-profit organizations can make these processes efficient and focus better on their mission-first goals.

Why NGOs Need To Adopt a Digital Signature Solution

Through the use of eSign in non-government organizations, documents can be verified by the required people and validated quickly. NGOs can observe an improved document management process by adopting digital signatures across their multidisciplinary workflows. There are various types of documents that these organizations need to process on a regular basis. They include,

  • Membership Forms: NGOs receive multiple membership requests, which they must accept through the use of official documentation. Membership requests can arise from a local, national, or even an international level. 

This requires a remote signing solution that enables potential members to sign their NGO registration agreements from wherever they are. An online signing platform can help non-profit organizations expand their mission across boundaries by providing an effortless enrollment process to their aspiring participants.

  • Renewal Applications: In addition to new membership applications, already existing members may want to continue working for the cause. This introduces a requirement for the non-profit organization to introduce an intelligent membership renewal process that enables users to sign their registration forms with convenience. 

eSign for non-profit organizations is a smart way for such organizations to streamline their application workflows and make the procedure easier for their valuable members as well.

  • Volunteer Applications: Volunteers are essential to the functioning of non-governmental organizations, and setting up a convenient association procedure will only help NGOs accelerate their impact. According to a report published by UN Volunteers, an estimated one billion people volunteer to work at such organizations. 

By offering an eSign-based volunteering agreement process, these organizations can expect a shorter turnaround time bringing volunteers on board. An online agreement signing system can enable participants from across the globe to sign up quickly and contribute to a mission without any hassle.

  • Donor Detail Documentation: The active support of donors is essential for an NGO’s mission. Hence, these organizations need to focus on making their donor registration process as smooth as possible so as to acquire large numbers of donors hassle-free. 

Printing multiple copies and mailing them separately consumes a lot of time and involves unnecessary expenses that an NGO can avoid. Therefore, sending across signature-ready documents allows donors to donate to a cause with little to no inconvenience.

  • Fundraising Documents: NGOs often conduct campaigns seeking donations and financial support to expand and make their missions more impactful. A smart and efficient registration process, complete with online signable documents, makes it much easier for NGOs to receive external support. 

With the usage of eSign, NGOs can quickly process their multiple fundraising documents and get the process going smoothly.

  • Expense Records: Maintaining an accurate expense report for every campaign is of utmost importance to non-governmental organizations. The process requires approvals from various team members, and implementing a fast and systematic process for achieving the same will bring efficiency to the NGO’s procedural workflows. 

eSign for nonprofit organizations can pave the way for faster approvals by introducing an automated process to get expense reports initiated.

How Can eSignatures Add Value to NGOs? 

  • Enhance Organizational Productivity: With just a few clicks, NGOs can get their various documents signed by their internal members as well as external contributors. eSign for non-profit organizations features ready-made templates using which the organizations can quickly draft documents that need to be signed. 
  • Create Legally Binding Documents: As electronic signatures are legally binding, non-profit organizations can work towards getting all their paperwork digitally signed. Using eSign for NGOs, these non-governmental bodies can ensure all their documentation is valid in a court of law. 
  • Stay Compliant With Regulations: With an eSignature software programmed to comply with government regulations, NGOs can make their documents legally binding. The use of eSign in non-government organizations makes way for better visibility of the documents and eliminates the risk of contract terms being breached. 
  • Authenticate Documents Remotely: Digital signature enables users to sign the given document even when they are not present on the premise. This plays a vital role in saving time when NGOs must get multiple documents signed to aid their processes. 
  • Generate Secure Documents: eSignatures have built-in security features that ensure the signed documents are safe and tamper-resistant. It helps NGOs keep track of their transactions smartly while maintaining a high level of security. 

SignDesk’s eSign Platform For NGOs

Digital signature platform providers like SignDesk offer software that facilitates eSign for NGO-related operations. As non-profit organizations work tirelessly to better the world, a simple technological approach to managing routine processes like document authentication can help bring down their workload significantly. 

SignDesk’s is an innovative electronic signature solution that these organizations can integrate into their procedures. Doing so would bring efficiency into the NGO’s obligatory tasks, helping it manage these jobs better. 

SignDesk’s eSign workflow solution offers NGOs and their donors a number of crucial features that ease documentation.

  • Document Templates

Ready-made document templates and custom templatization help NGOs quickly and cost-effectively create documents that can then be easily reviewed and sent to stakeholders.

  • Easy Signature Workflows 

With SignDesk’s eSign solution, documents needn’t be copied and sent all over the place for stakeholders to sign. Instead, digital documents are created and signers are invited via email to eSign documents.

Signers can even be invited sequentially or in parallel to eSign documents, preserving the approval hierarchy in NGOs if required.

  • Multiple Signers and Quick Approval 

SignDesk’s eSign workflow solution enables NGOs and NPOs to invite multiple signers who can then sign in multiple locations with entirely customizable signature appearances.

Before moving a document to the signature phase, the approval process can also be expedited by leveraging user role restrictions and inviting approvers on a case-by-case basis.

  • Digital Storage 

Once eSigned, documents can be stored and accessed via a smart dashboard which also tracks the status of every document. Executives can search for documents based on several criteria, making for smoother documentation.

  • Scalable Drafting & Signatures 

Documents can be created en masse with SignDesk’s template library, and several documents can be placed in the signature pipeline at once, enabling fast turnaround times and faster signatures.

  • Strong audit trail 

Every edit, user invitation, role change, and signature is recorded in SignDesk’s eSign workflow solution. Organizations can rest assured that all their activities have a strong audit trail, which is essential for the functioning of NGOs and NPOs.

eSign For Non-Profit Organizations: The Simple Process Flow

The electronic signature process involves the following steps to offer a seamless experience for signees to associate with the NGO’s cause;

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  1. Log In: The user, which in this case is an authorized NGO worker, logs into SignDesk’s eSign portal.
  2. Upload Document: The user is required to upload the document that requires signing, onto the eSigning portal.
  3. Invite Signers: SignDesk invites the required parties to sign the uploaded document via email & SMS.
  4. eSign Parties accept the invitation and electronically sign the given document within minutes via OTP sent to their Aadhaar-registered mobile numbers or through digital signatures.
  5. Document Executed: Once the document has been validated through electronic signatures, SignDesk sends the signed copy of the document to all the required parties.
  6. Store & Download: Once eSigned, the document is stored and available for download to all signers and stakeholders. 

eSign For NGOs: Award-winning eSign Solution by SignDesk 

Non-profit organizations have limited in-house resources and a stringent timeframe and budget they need to work around with. This makes every minute a critical asset for these organizations, compelling them to implement a smart process flow across their obligatory tasks.

SignDesk’s digital signature platform,, makes it easy for NGOs to implement an online signature system into their various procedures. It offers different types of eSignatures for NGOs, viz., DSC signatures, Aadhaar signatures, and electronic signature options, making it easy for NGOs to integrate the most suitable form of online signature feature into their process flows.