5 Futuristic Features Aadhaar Based eSign

What is Aadhaar eSign?

The Aadhaar based eSign enables the user to make legally binding electronic signature over important documents.

The user only has to upload the necessary documents to the SignDesk portal and enter his/her Aadhaar linked mobile number- it enables them to apply the eSign instantly.

While Aadhaar eSigning a document is rather seamless, the user may also need a signature from the other party/parties to make the document legally relevant.

The other party receives the document through email on the portal. This will be redirected to the document – where the user can now Aadhaar eSign by providing their Aadhaar linked mobile number.

Being digital, it goes without saying that the Aadhaar based eSignature can be applied by the user from anywhere. Most importantly, it is mandatory to have an internet-enabled device and a mobile number linked to Aadhaar.

This inventive facility has progressed through the research/development stage, as its demand has seen consistent growth in the last few months.

Aadhaar Based eSignature – 5 Futuristic Features

  1. Resource Efficient

One of the key virtues of a digital process is that it has made previously elaborate processes and conventional practices expendable.

However, the costs arising out of such redundant processes too are now saved by default as there is no need for physical documents, manpower, inventory and the more significant, time.

  1. Audit Trail

Audit Trail is the underlying mechanism that proves the veracity of the user’s electronic signature. It basically records and secures complete action over the eDocument.

This function helps in solving all presumable disputes that may arise from the Aadhar based eSign over the document.

  1. Fraud Free

Forging a signature over a physical document being easy as it gets, has proven to cause financial as well as legal hardships through the history of wet (handwritten) signatures.

The two-factor verification of the Aadhaar-based eSignature; where the Aadhaar linked the mobile number of the user receives a One Time Password (OTP). This prevents the most conceivable chances of fraud over the eDocument.

  1. Remote Convenience

Consequently, it goes without saying how a digitized facility helps the masses access information from any part of the world.

The digitized version of the signature is of particular significance to individuals as well as businesses in the country. For the simple reason that it boosts workflow and brings in chanceless convenience to a rather crucial and sensitive process of authenticating documents.

  1. Easy-To-Use

SignDesk’s intuitive User Interface helps one make the Aadhaar eSign in less than 2 minutes from any part of the world. First, the user just has to upload his documents, second, enter his Aadhaar linked phone number and lastly key in the OTP the user received on their mobile phones.

As pointed earlier, one can also welcome the other party /parties to Aadhaar eSign the same document by providing their email address – the other signer will now follow the same process to imply their consent over the document.