Aadhaar eSign
For Smart Documents & Efficient Documentation

Create scalable & growth-oriented digital workflows with paper-free Aadhaar eSign

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What is Aadhaar eSign?

Aadhaar eSign is an online and paper-free way to sign documents electronically. Citizens with an Aadhaar number and an Aadhaar-linked mobile number or mail ID can use Aadhaar eSignatures to legally sign documents instantly & from anywhere.

To sign a document with Aadhaar eSign, signers will receive an OTP on their mobile number, which validates the signer and is used to eSign the required document.

Alternately, SignDesk offers biometric eKYC authentication involving retina and iris scans to complete Aadhaar eSignatures.

Create, eSign, store & manage documents on one Aadhaar eSign-enabled platform

Legally valid Aadhaar eSign for instant signatures

Streamline your business documents with Aadhaar eSign

Custom template library for all documents

Create, eSign, store & manage documents on one Aadhaar eSign-enabled platform

Streamline your business documents with Aadhaar eSign

Legally valid Aadhaar eSign for instant signatures

Custom template library for all documents

Sign Securely &
Instantly With
Aadhaar eSign

Draft, Approve & Execute Documents Online
With Aadhaar eSign

Draft, Approve & Execute Documents Online With
Aadhaar eSign

SignDesk’s eSign software helps businesses get documents eSigned in any order, all within 5-10 minutes.

Processflow img1 (2)
Log in to the
SignDesk Portal
Downward arrow
Processflow img2 (2)
Upload a document
or create one using
Downward arrow (2)
Processflow img4 (2)
Signed documents
are stored & available
for download
Downward arrow (3)
Processflow img5 (2)
Enter OTP to sign
via Aadhaar eSign
Downward arrow (3)
processflow img3 (5)
Invite multiple signers via email or SMS
Processflow xarrow
Downward arrow (2)
Processflow img6 (2)
Generate an OTP on
Aadhaar-registered number
Processflow img1 (2)
Log in to the
SignDesk Portal
Processflow img4 (2)
Signed documents
are stored & available
for download
Downward arrow (6)
Downward arrow (6)
Processflow img2 (2)
Upload a document
or create one using
Processflow img5 (2)
Enter OTP to sign
via Aadhaar eSign
Downward arrow (6)
Downward arrow (6)
Processflow img4 (2)
Downward arrow (10)
Processflow img6 (2)
Invite multiple
signers via email or
Generate an OTP
on Aadhaar-
registered number

Aadhaar eSign: One-Stop Solution for
Workflow Automation

Create, approve, store & eSign documents from anywhere, at anytime
versatile (2)
Versatile Signature Workflows
Choose the signing & approval processes that work best for your business
Strong Audit
Dedicated dashboard to manage the audit trails and status of the documents
User Roles &
Assign document access to stakeholders as needed to streamline documentation & secure sensitive information
Documents can be drafted instantly with on-demand templates & files in a wide range of formats can be uploaded
Scalable &
Businesses can upload & eSign documents en masse, and configure eSign & approval workflows based on their needs
The documents are stored under highly secured system and ensures authenticity of the signer through public-key encryption
Agreements can be eStamped & stamp duty paid online in real-time with digital stamping integrations
Combine and eSign multiple documents in one go via a single OTP and signing link.
Receive OTPs and signing links via WhatsApp, with one-click eSigning and effortless document download.
Drag and Drop
Easily position signatures exactly where needed with intuitive drag-and-drop placement.
Mobile App -
Get the SignDesk app on Play Store and App Store and eSign documents on the go.

Why Do Businesses Need SignDesk Aadhaar eSign?


Calculations in Templates

Template flow auto-calculates dependent fields from source inputs, minimizing errors and ensuring accuracy during data entry.

Aadhaar-Based Authentication

Aadhaar eSign enables secure signatures & signer authentication via trusted DBs.

Document Management

Multiple signers can be invited to sign documents from anywhere & at anytime, with documents managed online using a smart dashboard.

Password Protecting Document

Enhance document security by password-protecting signed files, ensuring compliance, preventing tampering, and safeguarding sensitive information.
image Scalability and reduced TAT (2)

Scalability and reduced TAT

eSignatures allow businesses to scale their operations by enabling bulk document creation & quick execution.

Calculations templates
Template flow auto-calculates dependent fields from source inputs, minimizing errors and ensuring accuracy during data entry.

Password protection (2)
Enhance document security by password-protecting signed files, ensuring compliance, preventing tampering, and safeguarding sensitive information.

Image aadhaar based authentication
Aadhaar eSign enables secure signatures & signer authentication via trusted DBs.

Aadhaat-based electronic signatures are legally valid and admissible in courts, with only certified ASPs allowed to offer these services.

Image streamlined document management
Multiple signers can be invited to sign documents from anywhere & at anytime, with documents managed online using a smart dashboard.

image Scalability and reduced TAT (3)
eSignatures allow businesses to scale their operations by enabling bulk document creation & quick execution.

Get Documents Drafted and Signed in Minutes With
SignDesk’s Legally Valid Aadhaar eSign

Our eSign process and document management technology has helped enterprises across segments reduce contract execution time from 10-20 days to under 10 minutes.

SignDesk’s custom templates, scalable approval & eSign workflows, and legally valid eSign technology expedites sales deals, vendor onboarding, employee registration, healthcare documentation, student management, & more.


Aadhaar eSign for All the Industries

Banking & NBFC

SignDesk’s eSignature software and eSign workflow can be integrated into any bank’s loan authorization, cheque truncation, CRM, or ERP processes to allow digital documents to be produced, signed, and managed online.


Educational institutions create a lot of paperwork related to administrative processes, such as admission forms, leave & grant applications, KYC documents & more. Aadhaar eSignatures and document templates help administrators draft these documents quickly, get them approved, and eSigned instantly.


Healthcare organizations may utilize eSign and configurable eSign procedures to automate the majority of their documentation and spend more time treating patients. SignDesk's eSign solution offers custom templates which can be utilized by administrators and managers to digitize the healthcare documentation process. Once drafted, documents can be quickly sent for online approval & eSigned remotely by multiple stakeholders.

Real Estate

While buying or selling a property, the parties undergo various legal procedures for which they require stamp paper and signatures on them. Many realtors use eSign to submit buy and sell agreements, offer letters, refinancing paperwork, and other real estate documents for electronic signature.

Retail & eCommerce

eCommerce and Retail outlets also require contracts to be signed when it comes to deals in which eSign can make the whole process easier between the seller and the buyer. While the retailers require to handle multiple vendors at one go to ensure smooth operations, digital signature helps in smoothing the entire process.

Aadhaar eSign for Industries & Teams

Trusted By Industry Leaders, Leveraged By
Top Enterprises


Omnichannel Aadhaar eSign Integrations

SignDesk’s adaptable eSign solution can be integrated with any documentation system with no third-party assistance

Web Portal
aadharesign omnichanelimg3 (2)
Mobile SDK
aadharesign omnichanelimg4 (3)

Resources for All You Need To Know About Aadhaar eSign

Link to important Aadhaar articles

Frequently Asked Questions

The Aadhaar-based eSign service allows users to sign legally binding documents electronically. The user merely needs an Aadhaar-registered mobile number to upload documents to SignDesk portal and eSign using the OTP sent to his/her Aadhaar-linked number.
Yes, Aadhaar eSignatures are a legally valid method to sign documents according to the provisions of the IT Act, 2000. This act recognizes both Aadhaar eSign & Digital Signatures as valid ways to execute an agreement.
Section 2(t)(a) of the Information Technology Act of 2000 affirms the use of eSign, whereas Section III of the Act allows for electronic record authentication. The Government of India has recognised the use of eSign in a notice published in The Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section III on January 28th, 2015.
In India, adhaar eSign is a legally compliant way of electronic signature that allows anybody to sign as long as they have an Aadhaar number and a phone or email address associated with the Aadhaar number.
Yes, multiple signers may be invited to sign using Aadhaar eSign. With SignDesk, users can invite multiple signatories to eSign in a customizable order provided all the individuals possess an Aadhaar number and Aadhaar-linked phone.
The Aadhaar eSign can be used in offer letters, contracts, permission slips, lease agreements, liability waivers and financial statements among the major ones.
The Aadhaar eSign can be validated using the eSigned document's signature certificate. For a detailed description of how to validate Aadhaar eSign, read this article.
Yes, SignDesk is an authorized Application Service Provider (ASP) for Aadhaar eSignatures. SignDesk is integrated with UIDAI & registered with CDAC (ESP) to provide secure & legally valid Aadhaar eSignatures. SignDesk is also registered with the Comptroller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) as a Certifying Authority (CA) for the provision of Digital Signature Certificates.
"The requirements of the Information Technology Act of 2000 ban the use of eSign for the following documents: (a) a negotiable instrument, apart from a cheque, as specified in section 13 of the Negotiable Instruments Act of 1881 (b) a power of attorney as specified in section 1A of the 1882 Powers-of-Attorney Act. (c) an Indian trust, as mentioned in Section 3 of the Indian Trusts Act of 1882. (d) a will, as defined in clause (h) of Section 2 of the Indian Succession Act of 1925, as well as any other testamentary disposition by whatever name termed. (d) any contract for the sale or conveyance of immovable property, or any interest therein. (f) any type of papers or transactions that the Central Government may notify in the Official Gazette."
Although the Digital Signature Certificate expires in 30 minutes, your eSign on a document remains valid indefinitely. To prevent abuse, the private key linked with your Signature Certificate is destroyed.
Apart from eSign services, SignDesk provides eNACH eMandate services, a smart contract lifecycle management system, digital stamping as well as Video KYC verification, which enable businesses to automate from end-to-end.

Switch to Paper-Free Documentation With SignDesk

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