How To eSign Documents With the Aadhaar eSign API – Explained

What and How of aadhaar esign api

What is Aadhaar eSign?

Aadhaar eSign is an electronic signature service in India that allows Aadhaar holders to digitally sign documents. An Aadhaar eSign API carries out the Aadhaar-based e-KYC (Know Your Customer) to validate the Aadhaar holder & facilitate this signature service.

This digital signature method is of great importance to businesses in India as it facilitates remote authentication of documents while catering to the user’s privacy. In addition, the signature’s & signer’s legitimacy is also verifiable, making Aadhaar eSignatures a boon for businesses.

Aadhaar-based eSign is legally valid for executing a number of documents in India, including loan agreements, property documents, onboarding documents, vendor contracts, and more.

What Is Aadhaar eSign API? 

API or Application Programming Interface is a collection of specifications and protocols for developing and integrating application software. Businesses- small & large, implement them into their software infrastructure for various purposes, viz, improving existing products or applications or creating new business prospects altogether.

Aadhaar eSign API is a software intermediary that allows an eSign user to digitally sign a document utilizing an online service. The document’s signature is executed on a backend server, which is an e-Sign provider like SignDesk. The signer’s authenticity is verified based on an e-KYC response and validation by the Certifying Authorities (CAs). The e-authentication technique is used to overcome the setbacks that come with the mainstream use of eSignatures in India. 

The eSign Aadhaar API facilitates electronically signing the requested data on the basis of an authenticated e-KYC response. In other words, the API enables creation of electronic signatures on a document upon successful authentication of the signer using Aadhaar-based eKYC.

Aadhaar eSign API- How To Execute Documents With Aadhaar Signatures

Signing a document through Aadhaar eSignatures is quick & easy to carry out. Since the UIDAI sends out the authentication password, businesses can be assured of the signer’s authenticity. These eSignatures are suitable for all types of business documents, as it is scalable, offers multi-party signing on a single document while reducing TAT. 

Aadhaar eSign API - Process

Step 1: User creates/uploads a document that is to be signed

Step 2: User directs an online eSignature invite to the signer

Step 3: Signer receives the invite over email or mobile number

Step 4: Signer logs in & enters his/her Aadhaar number on the eSignature portal

Step 5: The API verifies the Aadhaar number against UIDAI databases to ensure its authenticity

Step 6: UIDAI triggers a One-Time Password (OTP) to the signer’s Aadhaar-registered mobile number or email address

Step 7: Signer enters the OTP received on his device on the online Aadhaar eSign platform

Step 8: If the signer keys the correct OTP, the Aadhaar-based eSignature is executed on the uploaded document

Step 9: Once executed, both parties can download the Aadhaar eSigned document

Aadhaar eSign APIs are a quick and convenient method to sign documents electronically. Signers can be invited to sign agreements via email or SMS, and can execute signatures with just an OTP received on their Aadhaar-registered mobile device. 

Why Should Businesses Be Using Aadhaar eSign API? 

Integrating an Aadhar eSign API enables businesses to expedite their signature workflows while ensuring the signature is legitimate & legally valid. There are several benefits that this eSignature method can offer to businesses across India:

  • Secure & Compliant: Aadhaar eSign API offers a compliant & secure solution for businesses looking for an efficient way to get their documents signed. The API is developed to be compliant with the UIDAI regulations, offering a safe & reliable eSignature solution for businesses. 
  • Seamless Integration: Most companies have a standard document process flow system in place & integrating Aadhaar-based eSign APIs into it is easy. Companies can seamlessly integrate these APIs into their business processes, without any third-party assistance.
  • Instant Signatures & Document Authentication: When businesses integrate Aadhaar-linked eSignatures into their documents, the API instantly triggers an OTP to the signer’s mobile number/email address if it is found to be matching with the ones present in the UIDAI databases. By providing the OTP, the signer can sign the document within seconds. 
  • Remote Signing Workflows: Aadhaar eSignature API trigger one-time authentication passwords on the signer’s Aadhaar-linked mobile number/ email ID. This allows him to sign documents electronically through his mobile device, even when he is away from his work desk. It helps businesses save a considerable amount of time, the absence of which can result in delayed project execution. 
  • Process Integrity With Audit Trails: Using APIs for Aadhaar eSign also offers features like proof of signature through an audit trail report. The document entails key details of the process like Aadhaar timestamps. This provides businesses evidence of the authenticity of the Aadhaar-based eSign created on their documents. 
  • Paper-Free Business Environment: Using an API to enable Aadhaar-based electronic signatures helps businesses go paperless. While this helps them take a step towards conserving the environment, it also eliminates businesses having to face instances like lost documents, low visibility, misplaced paperwork & storage scarcity.

E-Sign Documents In Minutes With SignDesk

SignDesk offers a flexible, low-code Aadhaar eSign API that businesses can use to streamline & expedite their document signature workflows. The API is scalable & businesses can easily integrate it into their eSignature infrastructure without being concerned about process disruption. 

Whether it’s the seamless Aadhaar e-sign, Udyog Aadhaar verification, or the reliable Aadhaar verification for onboarding workflows, SignDesk’s suite of digital solutions empowers you with secure, efficient, and compliant processes.

Needless to say, Aadhaar eSignature API make it convenient for customers to sign documents, as they do not have to present themselves on-premise. An improved customer experience can help businesses increase user loyalty & also heighten the chances of customer recommendation.

Schedule a demo with our eSign experts & use our Aadhaar eSign platform to learn how you can incorporate SignDesk’s Aadhaar eSignature API into your documentation process.