Stamp Duty Payment in India #7 Gujarat Stamp Paper

Gujarat Stamp Paper – A Quick Overview

Stamp duty is a tax levied by the state government on legal documents, most of which involve the transfer of real estate or assets like movable properties. Stamp duty is also imposed by the government on documents that are required to legally record these types of transactions. The Gujarat government imposes a certain amount of stamp duty along similar lines. Both businesses and individuals need to obtain Gujarat stamp paper to carry out stamp duty payments when transacting in this state.

Gujarat Stamp Paper online - Stamp Duty Payment

How To Procure Gujarat Stamp Papers & Pay Stamp Duty?

In Gujarat, there are different types of non-postal stamps designated for different use cases. One can use a specific type of Gujarat stamp paper & pay the stamp duty designated against it, depending on the type of transaction being carried out in the state.

  • Non-Judicial Stamp Papers 

Non-judicial stamp papers (Gujarat) are used for transactions like the purchase, sale, or transfer of properties such as buildings or land. In addition, these stamp papers are also used for  mortgages as well as immovable property transfers. These stamp papers are also used for affidavits, agreements, & loan security purposes.

The government of Gujarat determines the value of the stamp paper depending on the transaction for the recovery of stamp duty. Based on the stamp duty value, one can execute sale deeds on non-judicial stamp papers.

  • Notary Stamps 

In Gujarat, documents like Power of Attorney & affidavits need to be notarized before they are put into use. The notarization can be done through the Executive Magistrate or via a government-appointed notary.

In this case, the stamp duty is recovered through notary stamps which are made available in denominations of Rs. 5/-

  • Judicial Stamp Paper

Judicial stamp papers are court fee stamp papers that are used for the purpose of court proceedings. They are available in various denominations like Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 500, Rs. 1000, Rs. 5000, Rs, 25000, etc.

  • Court Fee Stamp Label 

Stamp labels are affixing types of stamps available in different denominations. They are used on applications filed with the court, Collector, or Additional Collector.

  • Revenue Stamps

For transactions totaling Rs. 5000 or more in Gujarat, documents can be executed through revenue stamps. These Gujarat stamp papers are only available in the denomination of Rs. 1.

  • Hundi Papers

Hundi papers of various denominations are used for the transaction of promissory notes. One can also use special adhesive stamps for the same purpose in Gujarat.

  • Share Transfer Stamps

This stamp is used in the event of share sales. Anyone who wants to purchase or transfer shares has to make use of this stamp paper to carry out the transaction.

  • Brokers’ Note Stamps

Brokers’ note stamps are used in Cabala Document transactions. These stamps are available in values of Rs. 1, Rs. 2, Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs. 50, Rs. 100 & Rs. 500.

  • Foreign Bill Stamps

Foreign bill stamps are a variety of Gujarat stamp papers that are used by private companies in their transactions with foreign companies.

  • Agreement Stamps

Government-determined agreement stamps have to be affixed for the purpose of marriage registration in Gujarat. There are agreement stamps of Rs. 10 and Rs. 100 available.

  • Insurance Stamps

Insurance stamps are used by insurance companies to issue & sell their policies.

  • Franking

The process of stamping documents or instruments to indicate that they are legal and that the stamp duty (Gujarat) has been paid is known as franking.

To make use of this kind of stamping, if a government-authorized stamp vending office has a stamp machine available, the necessary amount of franking print can be impressed on the document produced.

The Superintendent of Stamps can issue licenses for the franking of stamp papers when banks, insurance companies, & private loan provider companies if there is high demand.

  • e-Stamping

The Gujarat government has made available the facility of online e-Stamping through the Stock Holding Corporation Of India. Through this method, Gujarat estamp papers are issued online & one can pay stamp duty instantly.

Why Is e-Stamping a Better Option For Transacting In Gujarat?

By using e-Stamping online in Gujarat, businesses can expedite the lengthy, time-taking process of getting their contracts & agreements stamped. They can carry out stamping procedures remotely, which plays an important role in cutting down stamping turnaround time.

Obtaining online stamp paper in Gujarat eliminates the need for businesses to store & monitor physical agreements & their copies as they can access every stamped document over the internet. The speed & convenience of this method of stamping in Gujarat makes it one of the best choices of stamping available for individuals & businesses across the state.

Some of the key advantages e-Stamping offers are as follows.

Why Is e-Stamping a Better Option For Transacting In Gujarat - Gujarat Stamp Paper

  • Streamlined Process: e-Stamping online in Gujarat streamlines stamp paper procurement which is otherwise resource-dependent & is prone to logistical challenges. On platforms like SignDesk, one can eStamp documents online in Gujarat & bring them into effect easily & efficiently. 
  • Bulk Stamping: Stamping large volumes of agreements becomes faster & simpler, especially for businesses like banks, insurance companies, & real estate services that need to get agreements stamped for most of their transactions. With SignDesk, one can upload documents in bulk & get them e-Stamped in one go. 
  • Faster TAT: Using e-Stamp paper online in Gujarat, one can get agreements stamped & ready for execution significantly faster. Businesses can pre-order the required number of e-Stamp papers on SignDesk to use as & when required. Electronic stamping facilitates instant document stamping, which can be completed in a few minutes in contrast to the days or weeks that traditional stamping requires. 
  • Risk-Free: e-Stamping in Gujarat is not only an efficient option but also a very secure form of stamping, especially when confidential documents are in question. On SignDesk, agreements get e-Stamped securely via a GDPR & ISO-compliant digital stamping solution. 
  • Reduced Dependency: Businesses do not have to rely on vendors or dedicate staff solely for stamping purposes. Moreover, using an e-Stamping solution enables businesses to manage all their stamping requirements, including stamp paper procurement, stamping status monitoring, & pay stamp duty through an all-inclusive, intuitive dashboard. 

e-Stamp Agreements With Ease On SignDesk

Businesses can utilize SignDesk’s all-inclusive digital stamping platform to carry out document stamping online from end to end. SignDesk helps expedite this obligatory process by automating Gujarat stamp paper procurement.

Enterprises can pre-order eStamp papers in bulk, upload documents & get them stamped instantly & pay the government-nominated stamp duty online.

The e-Stamping process flow takes place as follows:

e-Stamping On SignDesk - Gujarat Stamp Paper

  1. Log In: The user logs in to SignDesk using valid credentials.
  2. Upload: The next step involves uploading the document(s) that need to be stamped. Alternatively, SignDesk provides the option to draft the document, on the spot, through pre-configured templates. 
  3. Input Data: At this stage, the user is required to provide information which can include the document name, stamp paper type, names of the stakeholders, stamp paper denominations, etc. 
  4. Pay Stamp Duty: After keying in the details, the user can proceed to pay the stamp duty online. 
  5. Document Is e-Stamped: After the stamp duty payment is complete, the uploaded document is merged with the e-Stamp paper (Gujarat).
  6. eSign the Document: The user enters the signee details like email IDs to invite them to eSign the digitally stamped documents.
  7. Download: After the eSigning is complete, all the stakeholders can download the e-Stamped agreement. 

SignDesk e-Stamping: Simple, Efficient & Secure

The introduction of e-Stamp paper (Gujarat) helped transform the way businesses manage their stamping procedures. This method enables one to pay stamp duty (Gujarat) online, creating a faster, easier & convenient means for businesses & individuals to have their contracts legally stamped.

SignDesk’s robust e-Stamping solution caters to the various requirements of businesses operating in Gujarat. Features such as customizable stamping workflows, automated stamp paper procurement, & bulk document stamping support, make the stamping process simple & easy.

SignDesk also offers stamping services in multiple states across India. Whether you’re looking for seamless digital stamping, e-stamping, or traditional stamping solutions, SignDesk has you covered. For more information on our e-stamping services and to explore how we can simplify your stamping processes, check out these articles:

The eSign-integrated digital stamping solution from SignDesk makes the process quicker & seamless, enabling one to sign the eStamped document online. This significantly reduces the time required for executing the agreement, making e-Stamping a smart & viable option for businesses across Gujarat.

Book a free demo to understand how you can pre-order Gujarat stamp papers through SignDesk & get documents stamped digitally on our platform.