Stamping in India #04 Delhi Stamp Paper


As part of their day-to-day operations, businesses in the NCT of Delhi generate a large number of agreements, contracts & legal documents, all of which must be stamped in order to be regarded as legitimate. They are required to affix Delhi stamp paper to the document to demonstrate the payment of the levied stamp duty charges & make the agreement valid in a court of law.

There are various document types that need to be stamped in order for businesses to implement them. While some of these agreements are optionally registrable, the majority of the business documents in Delhi need to be stamped mandatorily.

The documents for which Delhi stamp duty needs to be paid include –

  • Real estate agreements like sale agreements, property exchange agreements, mortgages & leases
  • Financial documents like assignment of debt, security bonds, and
  • Documents relating to trusts, decrees, awards, partitions, etc.

To check the complete list of documents that need to be stamped in the NCT of Delhi, click here.


Businesses can register them by paying the government a nominated stamp duty as per the document being registered. This allows the agreement to be stamped, making it legally effective & ready for execution.

How To Stamp Documents & Pay Delhi Stamp Duty?

In the NCT of Delhi, non-judicial stamp duty has to be paid & stamp paper has to be affixed to documents to execute them. Since offline stamp duty payment is not available in Delhi, the following online methods can be used to purchase Delhi e stamp paper.

The ways to pay stamp duty online in Delhi include:

  • SHCIL eStamping: This is a commonly followed stamping method in which businesses are required to purchase stamp papers of the required denominations from SHCIL-licensed stamp vendors. These vendors then procure eStamp papers by paying stamp duty online and make these Delhi stamp papers available to businesses for consumption. The process seems relatively simple but comes with several shortcomings.

Firstly, there could be stamp paper procurement & delivery delays that can easily arise due to conveyance challenges. This makes it practically unfeasible for businesses in this region, especially for the ones falling under the finance sector, i.e, banks & insurance companies as they require a large number of Delhi stamp papers for carrying out their daily operations.

  • Digital Stamping: This is an improved method of stamping that aims to solve the many problems that come with using the aforementioned methods. This document stamping method enables businesses to stamp their documents online without having to go through stamp paper vendors and pay Delhi stamp duty online with ease. 

The process essentially involves logging into the portal of Delhi, providing the details of the stamping transaction, choosing the required stamp paper & uploading the e-copy of the document that needs to be stamped.

After paying the levied stamp duty online, businesses can download the eStamped document that is merged with Delhi e stamp paper.

With online stamp paper, Delhi businesses can carry out the stamping process right from their desks, eliminating the need for traveling & managing physical copies of documents. The ease with which one can get his documents stamped remotely makes e Stamping a preferred choice for businesses to eStamp Delhi documents and agreements.

How Does Digital Stamping Work? 

e Stamping employs certain sequential procedures that help businesses stamp their documents at their convenience. SignDesk features an intuitive online dashboard that helps enterprises manage their stamping process from end to end.

Delhi Stamp Paper-Process

eStamping Delhi business documents require them to follow these steps to get their documents stamped seamlessly.

  • Step 1: Log into SignDesk’s digital stamping portal
  • Step 2: Create the document that news to be stamped or upload an existing document
  • Step 3: Key in stamping details, including the party names, stamp state (Delhi, in this scenario), & stamp paper denomination
  • Step 4: Pay the imposed stamp duty charge in real time through digital payment options
  • Step 5: The document is merged with the Delhi e stamp paper to complete the eStamping procedure
  • Step 6: The user can opt to invite signers over SMS & email to execute the eStamped document
  • Step 7: Download the e Stamped & eSigned document 

How Can Businesses Expedite Operations With Digital Stamping?

Businesses in Delhi can observe numerous benefits by adopting an online Delhi stamp paper service to have all their documents stamped. The method accelerates various process flows & operations, which would otherwise demand several days if a traditional stamping process is being used.

Some of the most significant advantages businesses can experience by e Stamping Delhi documents are:

  • Easy Access & Fast Processing: Digital stamping offers a user-friendly approach to the otherwise tedious & time-consuming process. Businesses can access the e Stamping portal right at their fingertips & complete the process in just a few clicks. 
  • Secure Option For Businesses: e Stamp certificates are tamper-proof: This means the security level of the document is heightened to pose zero threats & risk of fraud for businesses.
  • eStamp Certificate Authenticity is Verifiable: A UIN or Unique Identification Number is generated & mentioned on the e Stamp certificate that enables easy verification of the document’s authenticity. Businesses can verify the authenticity of any e Stamped document on the SHCIL website using its UIN.
  • Effortless Document Management: Businesses can deploy a smart contract lifecycle management solution designed to manage their contract workflows from end to end. The technology integrates document e Stamping right into its process flow, enabling businesses to effortlessly manage their stamping needs digitally. 

eStamp Delhi Business Documents In Minutes with SignDesk

Businesses require a fast, flexible & reliable solution that allows them to stamp documents in bulk. e Stamping helps businesses do away with procuring stamp papers manually and waiting in lines to pay stamp duty while ensuring a high level of security crucial for their transactions.

SignDesk is a leading digital stamping platform that enables companies to complete stamping their agreements in just a few minutes through its user-friendly, SHCIL-integrated eStamping interface.  

SignDesk also offers stamping services in multiple states across India. Whether you’re looking for seamless digital stamping, e-stamping, or traditional stamping solutions, SignDesk has you covered. For more information on our e-stamping services and to explore how we can simplify your stamping processes, check out these articles:

Businesses can choose Delhi stamp papers of the required denomination, pre-order them beforehand to expedite the process, & seamlessly complete stamping their documents in minutes.

Get in touch with us to see how eStamping Delhi agreements can enhance speed & efficiency in your vital business processes.