Kerala To Implement Estamping For Non-Judicial Stamp Papers

Kerala Embarks On Its E-Stamping Journey

E-Stamping is a digital form of creating stamps that are used for registration and other purposes. Kerala Government has decided to accord sanction for implementing eStamping in the segment of non-judicial stamps for all denominations and purposes from April 1, 2023, across the state. The sale of eStamps for instruments chargeable with stamp duty up to Rupees One Lakh is valid through the authorized stamp vendors of Kerala. However, the government may only partially phase out stamp papers.

e stamping for kerala

A Brief Outlook of the Kerala E-stamping Notification

For effective administration of stamps and registration services Kerala Government has announced the legal sanction for e-Stamping in the new chapter named “Chapter IIIA” in the Kerala Stamp Rules, 1960, as a part of implementing the IT system and joined the march towards digital transformation.

  • Initially, e-stamping was made mandatory for instruments chargeable with stamp duty for a number of Rupees above One Lakh. Now the Government has decided to implement e-stamping for all denominations for all non-judicial purposes. As per the provisions of this new chapter, The instrument chargeable with duty for an amount of less than Rupees One Lakh shall be stamped with either an impressed stamp or e-stamp only.
  • The electronic system for e-stamping for all denominations has been made ready for implementation after suitable integration with the PEARL (Package for Effective Administration of Registration Laws) System of the Registration Department and the ‘e-treasury portal’ of the Treasury Department.
  • The system will also give access to stamp vendors through secured login credentials and enable them to issue e-stamps within their selling limit through an approved process. This platform will also be facilitated to act as a stamp vendor management system with provisions for procuring stamps electronically from the e-treasury system.
  • The Government is also exploring the possibility of facilitating mobile governance for the e-stamping system using suitable mobile applications.

Documents That Can Be E-Stamped In Kerala 

All registration, including transactions for obtaining land deeds, can be done through e-stamping.

    • Agreements of memoranda of agreements
    • Instruments engrossed on parchment
    • Awards
    • Bonds
    • Certificate of Sale
    • Conveyances
    • Instruments imposing a further charge on the mortgaged property
    • Instruments of apprenticeship
    • Instruments of dissolution of a partnership
    • Instruments of exchange
    • Instruments of gift
    • Instrument of partition
    • Leases
    • Letters of license
    • Mortgage deeds
    • Power of Attorney
    • Releases
    • Settlements
    • Transfer of Deeds

Kerala E-Stamping Workflow – How To Pay Stamp Duty Online In Kerala

Kerala eStamping can be processed by submitting online applications in the registration department portal

Fees regarding stamp duty can be paid in any of the following options

  • Stamp Duty only
  • Registration Fee only (Applicable only after paying the stamp duty)
  • Stamp Duty and Registration Fee together

After selecting the payment method and entering payee details and payment mode, payment can be completed after OTP validation. By entering the GRN, the user can cross-verify the Chalan with an e-stamp. The QR code also displays the exact details. The authenticity can be verified by visiting the Registration portal by giving the e-stamp serial number.

SignDesk’s AI-powered eStamping solution offers fast and secure eStamping automation where businesses can easily eStamp documents in bulk without worrying about authentic authorized vendors.

Businesses can execute eStamping following the below-mentioned simple steps

Kerala eStamping process

  1. Log In – The user logs in to the online digital stamping portal to commence the eStamping process.
  2. Pre-Order– The user pre-orders the stamp papers by selecting the required date and denominations for eStamp paper procurement and frictionless eStamping workflows.
  3. Upload Documents– In this step, the user uploads or composes the documents or contracts that need to be stamped. 
  4. Enter Details– The user enters the required details of the stamping transaction, including first-party & second-party details, stamp denominations, and state.
  5. Review & Submit– The user reviews and submits the information entered on the application.
  6. Stamp Duty Payment– After proper verification, the user can pay stamp duty online to complete the eStamping process.
  7. E-Stamp Certificate – After completing the stamp duty payment, the document is electronically stamped after stamp paper verification. The user is provided an eStamp certificate with a unique QR code and UIN to expedite eStamp paper verification.

Business organizations can get their documents eStamped and pay stamp duty online. This eStamping tool ensures legal compliance, transparency, milestone obligation, and exponential business growth rate safeguarding business reputation intact.

The Benefits of E-Stamping For Businesses 

  • Prevents counterfeit stamp papers– There are many counterfeit stamp papers available in the market that leads to invalid stamp paper depriving the user of any legal support in front of a court of law. E-stamping procures digital format of stamp papers that are recorded digitally.
  • Eliminates stamp paper scarcity – As stamp papers are printed on official papers with a limited number, there is a massive scarcity of stamp papers. After applying, the user must wait a long time to get the stamp papers. This wait time delays the overall process of stamping. E-stamping facility procures stamp papers instantly.
  • Proper Logistics Management – E-stamping is a multi-layered process that includes complex logistics in Security printing, storage, distribution, delivery, accounting, management, monitoring, stock taking, demand projection, etc. 
  • Automated Revenue – With eStamping, accounting of revenue is automatic and transparent. 
  • No Extra Charges – In the physical stamping workflow, the user must pay extra to match the denomination. But in eStamping, the user can pay the exact amount without any loss.

e Stamping vs. Traditional Stamping

Traditional Stamping E-Stamping
  • Physically recorded on papers
  • Digitally recorded
  • Inked thumb impression for verification
  • Biometric Scan & Verification
  • Affixed passport size photo
  • Digital photo
  • Available at the sub-registrar office
  • Available online
  • Hard to cross verify the original stamp paper
  • Easy to cross verify with the certificate number and GRN

In eStamping workflow, photos and details of the seller and buyer will be digitally imprinted in the asset documents. Additionally, copies of previous land deeds can also be retrieved online.

Streamline E-Stamping Instantly with SignDesk

SignDesk, a globally recognized SaaS-based digital solution service provider with superior eStamping facilities powered by AI & ML technology. SignDesk’s eStamping solution, provides digital stamping facilities in 25+ states and UTs in India.

SignDesk’s eStamping tool offers unique features like bulk eStamping, instant agreement creation with a template library, a comprehensive digital dashboard with automated notifications, real-time stamp duty payment, eSign integration, virtual audit trials, and document status tracking.

SignDesk also offers stamping services in multiple states across India. Whether you’re looking for seamless digital stamping, e-stamping, or traditional stamping solutions, SignDesk has you covered. For more information on our e-stamping services and to explore how we can simplify your stamping processes, check out these articles:

Integrate your business with a legally compliant eStamping solution today.